
13.56MHZ RFID Reader/Writer Module V5– Ultralight

Original price was: $19.90.Current price is: $17.90.

Quantity Price
1 - 9 $17.90
10 - 99 $17.50
100 - 999 $16.50
1,000+ $15.90

This RFID module is upgraded version from 13.56MHZ RFID Reader/Writer Module.

Compared with the old version, it supports more types of cards and has better reading/writing performance.




Max Reading Distance


MiFare 1 S50/S70




White PVC card
MiFare Ultralight




White PVC card
MiFare Ultralight C




White PVC card
MiFare DesFire EV1




White PVC card, only read tag ID

Command formate of this version is completely compatible with old version.

This RFID module is desgined based on MFRC522. It is a highly integrated reader/writer for contactless communication at 13.56MHz. It supports ISO 14443A/MIFARE mode and MIFARE Classic (e.g. MIFARE Standard) products. Contactless communication using MIFARE higher transfer speeds up to 848kbit/s in both directions.

We embeded an MCU on this module. Through the API, you could do writing and reading work. All the command is sent through UART. There is also a SPI interface on the board. This is the MFRC’s SPI. You can access MFRC directly via this inteface.


  • Support 7-byte UID reading.
  • Support various Mafare cards
  • Outstanding Reading/Writing distance
  • Special Electronic Wallet Fountion
  • Control by Serial UART interface: Baud rate could be 2400bps ~ 115200bps, with default baud rate 9600bps
  • Configuration data is preserved in EEPROM against power cut off
  • Built-in 8K EEPROM for data storage
  • Easy to use, by sending simple commands users can control it to read or write cards
  • In compact command, command is as short as one byte


  • Power Supply: 4.5V~5.5V, typically 5V.
  • Interface: UART (5V TTL) and SPI (3.3V TTL)
  • Size: 40mm x 50mm


Baud rate could be 2400bps ~ 115200bps

Default setting:

  • Baud Rate: 9600bps
  • Parity bit: None
  • Start bit: 1
  • Data bit: 8
  • Stop bit: 1

There are two kinds of command: Basic command and compact command. All the command are in Hex format. Please download manual for more information.

Connecting with Arduino is pretty easy. With Arduino Sensor Shield, just plug in and play.




Product list

  1. RFID module V5 x1
  2. S50 key card x1
  3. S50 suqare white card x1
  4. 4-pin wire x1
Weight 0.08 kg
Qty Discounts Off Price

1-9, 10-99, 100-999, 1,000+

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