This module uses the newest 2.4GHz transceiver from Nordic Semiconductor, the nRF24L01+. This transceiver IC operates in the 2.4GHz band and has many new features! On board PA and LNA make it transmit over 1km easily.



Pin # Name Description
1 GND Ground (0V)
2 VCC Supply (+1.9V - +3.6V DC)
3 CE Chip Enable Activates RX or TX mode (Never >3.6V)
4 CSN SPI Chip Select
5 SCK SPI Clock
6 MOSI SPI Slave Data Input
7 MISO SPI Slave Data Output, with tri-state option
8 IRQ Maskable interrupt pin. Active low


Frequency Test


Product List

  1. NRF24L01+ module
  2. Antenna